Organic Maqui
Super Food
Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis)
This wonderful fruit is a berry that only exists in the south of Chile.
Used for millennia by the native people (Mapuche and other indigenous groups) it is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world.
That is why Maqui is known to provide energy, strengthen the immune system, take care of the skin from the effects of age and the sun, level blood sugar, and lose weight naturally among other qualities.
It is important to remember that your Maqui has to be organic to have confidence in its purity and it has to be freeze dried (cold vacuum dried) to have all its amazing antioxidants! If it was dried by another system your maqui may not be of much help.
You can promote environmental conservation and your own health by adding wild superfruits that are responsibly harvested with local communities to your diet.
To see the properties of Maqui and the scientific publications about its qualities, click below.
Or below you can see different freeze-dried and organic maqui products made buy us on Chiloé Island since 2010.
Reaches you with love and care
Chile's soil is full of volcanic nutrients and its flora creates a "botanical island" isolated to the north by the driest desert on Earth, to the east by the Andes, to the west by the largest sea in the world and to the south by the ice fields of Patagonia.
It is Isla Natura's philosophy to produce maqui products in the rural areas where the fruit comes from, in order to care for its harvest and have a positive impact on the local economy and care for the local environment.
Organic and
Freeze Dried
Why is it important?

The Importance of Organic
Means that the fields are inspected to be clean of pollution and pesticides and the entire chain has used strict standards of cleanliness, hygiene and care of the fruit.
Clean fields
Clean hands
Clean harvest
The Perection of Freeze-drying
It is the only dehydration process (cold vacuum drying) that preserves the antioxidants and nutrients of the Maqui.
There is no other system that is able to take care of your maqui!

Products with Organic Maqui
Very easy recipes with
Organic Maqui

Cocoa and Maqui
Try to use 75% cacao or more
avoid commercial "chocolates
In a bowl above warm water soften approx. 100 grs. of chocolate /cacao
add the same amount of oats, chopped nuts if you like them, a spoonful of Maqui powder and that's it!
assemble your chocolates and let them solidify (if it is hot put them in the refrigerator for a few minutes).

Maqui Jar
In a clean jar place the fruit of your choice, chopped and layered, then add natural yoghurt.
Add some pieces of Maqui Bar and a little Maqui Powder.
Cover tightly and that's it!
Enjoy, it's good for you!!!