Organic Murta
Super Food
The delicios MURTA BERRY (Ugni molinae) grows wild only in Southern Chile in the temperate rainforest regions of the Lake District, Chiloé Islands and the fjords of Patogonia. It has been locally used for millennia because of its wonderful flavor and aroma and also because it is a Super Food, with more than 2 X the antioxidants of blue berries.
Because this magical berry is only found fresh and wild in Chile Isla Natura freeze dries it each harvest season to offer its aromas and nutrients to you any time of the year.
Scientific publications of Murta's Super food qualities linked below
Reaches you with love and care
Chile's soil is full of volcanic nutrients and its native (endemic) flora enjoy being part of a "botanical island," isolated to the north by the driest desert in the world, to the east by the Andes, to the west by the largest ocean on the planet and southwards by the ice fields of Patagonia.
It is Isla Natura's philosophy to produce products in the rural areas where the raw material comes from in order to take care of its harvest and to have a positive impact on the local economy and ensure care for the local environment. We want local people to increase the production of this superfruit that does not require chemical fertilizers to grow and that can give them an income as well a uniquely delicious and powerful wild fruit to enjoy.
Murta berries don't like snow or frosts and for this reason are found wild only along the shore of Chile's large lakes and the coast of the southern islands and fjords- the water works to moderate the temperatures and keep the murta happy!
Organic and Freeze Dried
Why is this important?

Means that the fields are inspected to be clean of contaminants and the entire chain has used strict standards of cleanliness, hygiene and care of the fruit. Clean Harvest
No Dirty Hands! No dirty trucks!
It is the only dehydration process (cold vacumn drying) that preserves the antioxidants of murta. There is no other system capable of preserving your murta! All the taste, all the aroma and all the nutritional power!

Products with Organic Murta
Very easy recipes with
Organic Murta

Cereal bars and chocolate
Try to use 75% cacao
avoid commercial "chocolates"
In a warm bowl (warm water below) soften approx. 100 grs. of chocolate/cacao
add the same amount of oatmeal, chopped nuts if you like them, a spoonful of Murta powder and that's it!
Assemble the delicious balls and let them solidify (if it's hot put them in the fridge for a few minutes)

Yogurt Jar
In a clean jar place the fruit of your choice, chopped and layered, then add natural yogurt and pieces of
Murta Bar and a little bit of Murta Powder.
Cover tightly and ready, take it wherever you want.
Enjoy, it's good for you!!!